Job Search

Position one: foreign trade clerk (more than)

1, Gender is not limited, undergraduate or higher, international trade related professional, English six or more, I heard good translation, spoken fluency;

2, Strong ability to express, communication skills, adaptability, learning ability and analytical skills;

3, Strong sense of responsibility, hard-working, bear greater pressure, strong sense of teamwork.

Position two: domestic salesman (more than)

1, College education, office software operating proficiency;

2, Open-minded personality, good communication skills, strong sense of service;

3, studiousness, obeying the company management, having a strong interest in sales position;

4, good cooperation attitude and team spirit, and full of passion for work, creativity and sense of responsibility, positive progress;

5, perseverance, perseverance, hard-working;

6, Better health, no bad habits, being able to obey the business arrangement.

Position three: Reserve cadres (more than)

1, male, college or higher;

2, professional requirements: polymer materials, chemical related Major; marketing, international trade, etc.

3, Good academic performance, positive attitude, hard-working, obedience, team awareness

4, The first priority of poor areas.